Guido Cavaletti
Guido Cavaletti, MD, neurologist and professor of human anatomy at the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) has more than 30-year-long specific expertise the clinical and pre-clinical assessment and care of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity (CIPN), inflammatory neuropathies, and multiple sclerosis.
He was a panelist or has been invited to give lectures at the US National Cancer Institute , National Institute of Health, FDA, American Society of Clinical Oncology, European Society for Medical Oncology and American Academy of Neurology, and he was a member of the scientific board of the European Synchrotron Facility in Grenoble (F). He is the Chair of the Toxic Neuropathy Consortium of the Peripheral Nerve Society and authored more than 350 full papers in peer-reviewed international journals with more than 16000 citations (current Scopus h-index = 73).