On May 31, 2024, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences and Karelia University of Applied Sciences joined forces for an inspiring workshop focused on the development of virtual Living Labs. This event, held in Eastern Finland, convened staff members, students, and regional stakeholders to explore the innovative potential of e-learning and serious gaming.

Utilizing the Peatland.eu Living Lab prototype, participants engaged in a session that highlighted how these educational tools can foster creative solutions to address both local and global challenges. The day was filled with innovation and interactive learning, providing an enriching experience for all involved.

The workshop also included a field trip to the scenic swamps and peatlands of Ilomantsi, where our VHL colleagues gained firsthand insights into the unique features of Finnish rural areas. This included visits to restored peatlands and mires, allowing participants to see sustainable land management practices in action.

This unforgettable experience was not just about learning; it was a celebration of collaboration, innovation, and a deeper appreciation for the natural beauty of Finland. 🌿

Join us in reflecting on this remarkable day!