On the 20th anniversary of Slovakia's accession to the EU and the upcoming European elections, a lecture with a discussion on the topic of the European elections and the benefits of the EU took place at Slovak University of Agriculture (SUA) in Nitra. The discussion was moderated by Professor Horská, with over 180 students participating.

Among the main speakers were Mr. Róbert Sermek, Head of the Office of the European Parliament in Slovakia, and Professor Lucia Palšová, coordinator of the INVEST project, along with a group of students who participated in various activities organized within the INVEST project. The students were also addressed by the Executive President of the Junior Chamber International Slovakia and long-time collaborator of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Marián Meško, as well as the newly elected Dean of the Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development at SUA in Nitra, Pavol Schwarcz.

The Head of the EP Office in Slovakia highlighted democracy, the rule of law, freedom, equality, and the protection of human rights as the EU's greatest value benefits. He emphasized that democracy has never been as important as it is today. “Every vote can determine the direction of Europe for the next five years," said the Head of the EP Office in Slovakia, urging students not to allow anyone else to decide for them and to go vote on June 8th.

Lucia Palšová informed about the implementation, activities, and significance of this project. Additionally, six participants of the mobility within the INVEST project shared their experiences with the students. As the main benefits, they emphasized new experiences in the fields of agriculture, biodiversity, and sustainability, new contacts, networking opportunities, and intercultural education in practice.